Kevin Van Nuffel

Presentator Moderator Animator
Presentator / moderator


Kevin Van Nuffel   Presentator – Animator - Moderator


Als perfect tweetalige Brusselaar met daarenboven eveneens perfecte beheersing van (zowel het Britse als Amerikaanse) Engels, is Kevin de ideale gastheer voor elk soort van evenement..

Gezien zijn persoonlijkheid en vooral ook door zijn acteursopleiding past hij zich perfect aan, aan alle omstandigheden.

Concreet betekent dit dat zowel voor een animatie, een presentatie of een moderatie, Kevin de ideale man is.

Bovendien voelt hij vanuit zijn regisseurs ervaring perfect aan wanneer zijn verbale bijdrage gepast is.

Kevin heeft jarenlang in Londen een eigen (bedrijfs-)theatergezelschap gerund en weet dus perfect wat verantwoordelijkheid betekent.

Vanuit die internationale carrière, groeide ook het curriculum dat u hierbij vindt


BIO - CV + referenties :

Curriculum Vitae

Profession :   Presenter/Master Of Ceremony - Trainer - Scriptwriter -  Actor -  Projectleader - Director

Training :
Kevin trained as an Actor at the Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles. During his career he followed several other trainings in :Sales Techniques, Communication Techniques , Time Management, Individual and Personal Coaching.

Career :
Kevin started working as a regular actor in various classical productions throughout Belgium. In 1995 he first came in to contact with a Belgian business theatre company, where the mixture of Business, communication, training and Arts strongly appealed to him.

He has also been brought up as bi-lingual (Dutch-French) and was educated in 2 different cultures by his parents.

He has participated in and created over 500 different projects in the different capacities of projectleader, trainer scriptwriter, presenter/MC, artistic consultant and actor.

Kevin has written over 40 training scripts for such diverse companies and organisations as: Coca Cola, Sainsbury’s, Bayer, Philip Morris, AXA, The Belgian State, The city of Antwerp, Euroclear, CompaQ, Hewlett Packard, Bosh Siemens, General Motors, Atlas Copco Airpower, CIRB / CIBG, etc…

What he enjoys most about being an actor/presenter, is the opportunity to continuously train himself and being able to work in different countries with different cultures, primarily UK, Belgium and France.

His favourite topics include: Change management, Annual Appraisal Reviews and Communication

References Kevin Van Nuffel:

“You shaped and delivered a first rate performance that hit my vision's Bull’s eye …
You are a meeting planners dream.”

Biz Bash Media


I just wanted to congratulate you on a fantastic effort in yesterday's showcase.

Keith Mabbutt   -  Senior Placement Officer



Collaboration, flexibility and professionalism are the keywords that can caracterize our relationship you.

Inge Hermans, Andersen Consulting


Thanks again for a wonderful performance, for bringing laughter to our organization and for opening the doors to new and exciting ways for UNFCU to keep their employees motivated!

Lynne Healey  -  UNFCU Human Resources Generalist


This letter is to congratulate you and your team on the quality of your presentation to Bell senior management. The whole thing was a great success and "the" event of the conference"!

Bell Symposium


Kevin Van Nuffel - Presentator / moderator

Haarstraat 11
2000 Antwerpen



+32 3 231 43 79
+32 475 27 43 79
