Legal Information


Although HARPO bvba makes every effort to ensure the quality of the information offered on this site (, it does not give any guarantees as to the correctness or follow-up of this information.

HARPO bvba cannot be held liable for a publication error or any other error affecting the content of this site.

In the event that information about a product, such as the price of that product, is incorrectly displayed on the site for any reason, HARPO bvba reserves the right to refuse or cancel an order for such product.

HARPO bvba reserves the right to refuse an order with dubious payment, or to inquire about identity details, before an order is shipped. Fraudulent payments, or attempts to place a fraudulent order, will be communicated to the authorized authorities.

Privacy Policy

The data collected via this website is intended for internal use by HARPO bvba. This data will NEVER be passed on to third parties without your express permission. Our online data is stored on servers in a secure and monitored data center. This data is exchanged with a secure connection (SSL). Our systems are protected against viruses and other malware.

You are entitled to access and correction as provided for in the (European) General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR" but better known under the "GDPR") (more info).

Additional information is available at:
Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel
Tel: +32 (0)2 274 48 00

Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy applies to the website '' ("the Website").

By using the website, you agree to this Cookie Policy, applicable when you visit this website with any type of device.

Any changes to this policy will be posted here. We reserve the right to adjust this Cookie Policy from time to time. These changes will apply as soon as they are published here. By continuing to use the website, you agree to all such changes.

Our use of cookies

We only use cookies for the information request form. This is to facilitate the use of the form. This website does NOT itself use cookies for tracking or any other way of advertising. The website does use Google Analytics and; both websites use cookies for collecting statistics.

If you wish to use the website, this is also possible without your browser having to allow cookies. The cookies we use facilitate the use of this website, especially the use of the application form.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can adjust the settings to clear cookies or prevent cookies from being automatically allowed.

These links explain how to change the cookie settings via your browser:

After you have completed your order (s), you may delete our cookies, if they still exist. The stored data will not be used for any future requests or visits.


Haarstraat 11
2000 Antwerp

VAT/Company nr:


+32 3 231 43 79
+32 475 27 43 79

Contact Form