Harry van Hest

Public Speaking Coach
Speech Coach



Coaching Public Speaking - ‘Speaking spontaneously’



In this case very specific in the spirit of:

Skill coaching: Speaking for an audience / Public Speaking Coaching / Personal communication coach/ Media training, etc.

During these coaching sessions you'll learn the correct way to prepare yourself, write texts, deal with stress, control your breathing and body language, which clothes to choose, how to use a microphone, put together a PowerPoint-presentation (without the often denounced bullet points), the power of storytelling, the use of humour and interaction, how to deal with questions from the audience, etc. Harry covers verbal and non-verbal communication!

If one wants to go further and become stronger in interview techniques, getting used to the camera, crisis communication or other disciplines, just let Harry know. That can be discussed during the intake.



You don't become a communication coach overnight and ‘public speaking’ is not really taught in schools. That's why I'm including this ‘story’:

At school Harry used to be called ‘William the Silent’. He was a rather modest, perhaps even shy, student who had to stop studying at 18 due to circumstances. From that point on he attended the ‘School of Life’.


Now Harry had a few aims in life and one of them was ‘not to work from 9 to 5’! So there was a conflict: no real diploma, quite shy, yet not interested in an office job. He chose ‘sales’ with the idea that this was the best way to do away with his shyness. And it worked, with ups and downs! Besides all that, he probably wanted to prove himself to his former classmates (and the girls) so he sought out stage experience and microphones whenever possible. This was of course also a perfect way to conquer his shyness.

Now, about 30 years later, Harry successfully makes a living from his presentation work!

Moreover, he gladly shares with others his manifold experiences of growing from a shy boy to a professional presenter/speaker. He does this with patience and attention for anyone who has the ambition or feels the need to optimise their ‘public speaking’ or ‘giving a talk or lecture’. He always departs from the realization that public speaking is seldom a comfort zone. (And he off all people knows what that means!)



So if you have salesmen who must give presentations on a regular basis, or telephone teams whose results must be improved, or if you want to optimise management's presentation skills, Harry is the ideal presentation coach because he didn't learn this from a book.


So many occasional, as well as experienced, speakers and businessmen approach him and ask whether they can receive extra coaching in order to make a more lasting impression as a speaker. Because as you know ‘good preparation is half the work’.

The ‘Communication Skills’ coaching session can be given to small groups of 8-10 people or one can opt for individual coaching.

These public speaking sessions can take place at your headquarters or on location; they can be completely customised or given as a ‘standard’ programme. (A group coaching session for six people is naturally six times cheaper for each participant than individual coaching.)

More info & recommendations : https://keynotespeaker-harry.com/en/gastspreker/topic-28756/Coaching+Public+Speaking+-+‘Speaking+spontaneously’/

Harry van Hest - Speech Coach

Haarstraat 11
2000 Antwerp

VAT/Company nr:


+32 3 231 43 79
+32 475 27 43 79

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