Guido Thys

Masterclass: Welcome to the 21st century!


Masterclass: Welcome to the 21st century!


Jack Welch (former ceo of General Electric) once said: “If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near”.

Really nothing new there. It is why companies, entrepreneurs, not for profit organisations, governments have developed a large set of instruments to deal with changing conditions, to remain competitive and to increase productivity.

Enter the 21st century. We are starting to feel that these operational, tactical and strategic tools are not as effective as they used to be in keeping up with Welch’s rate of internal change.

On top of that, Guido Thys, who has been monitoring companies and their economic and business climate surroundings worldwide for over 30 years, makes an unsettling prediction.

In 2010 he predicted: this is nót an economic crisis. Check! In 2013: we will have to thoroughly revise our business models, corporate structures, etcetera. Check!

And now he adds: we are only at the very beginning of the major changes in our society and economy. Check? QED, but the parallels with the 19th century are all too obvious…

What now?

The pitts for pessimists and paradise for intra-/entrepreneurs!

Smart suppliers have always found ways to meet customers’ needs. And they will continue to do so in the future. But not all of us will survive this Darwinian process of natural selection. Will you?

Guido Thys takes you on a journey of discovery which starts at the very roots of your organisation and ends at the horizon of success.

In this Masterclass you will:

- mindmap the real drivers and enablers which cause the current (technological) acceleration of change

- discover the rock solid foundation, the “unmoved mover” of your organisation which is not affected by change

- define the one thing about customers and clients that will never change

- explore new ways to make the two of them meet

- do the 21st Century Readiness Test: to what extent does the mindset of your organisation allow for success in the new era?

- hear from your peers where your opportunities lie and what your next steps could/should be.

In other words: we will supply you with knowledge, insights and inspiration. At the same time, we will stimulate peer learning and Action Learning on the spot.

It is a day of retreat from the daily turmoil which invites you to stand back, observe and re-orientat

Who should attend?

This Masterclass is a must for anyone who has any influence on the vision, mission and strategy of a business, a corporation, a non-for-profit organisation or a governmental agency.



About Guido Thys

Educated as a Theoretical Linguist, Guido has a keen interest in discovering meaning, as well as in the simple and accurate formulation of opportunities, instruments and goals. As an opportunity-finding entrepreneur, he is an expert at reminding his audiences of the question “what if it were your own money?”

He has been a Lecturer in Marketing Management at BSN The Netherlands for 23 years. With over 2.400 workshops and presentations and 18 books on his list he is an established management authority.

His unusual sense of humour guarantees a special mixture of humour and impact.

P.S.: originally from Antwerp, he speaks a dialect which is far easier to understand by South-Africans than the Dutch standard language. The masterclass will, however, be conducted in English.

Guido Thys - Speaker

Haarstraat 11
2000 Antwerp

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+32 3 231 43 79
+32 475 27 43 79

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